Sure I'll go if you can tell me where the nearest K'dub hall is
I live in Huanggang Hubei PRC
Sure I'll go if you can tell me where the nearest K'dub hall is
I live in Huanggang Hubei PRC
i have some great neighbors...spanish on both sides of me, and down the street.
their homes are very nice and the yards are kept up....but there is the strangest thing.
they love to put big wooden posts in the middle of their beautiful lawns with the most hideous kmart type night lighting fixtures you have ever scene.
Why ask us? Why don't you go and ask them? They should know.
"stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
was the ark the first boat ever built?
if so, that man noah must surely have had some faith in the critter that told him to build it.. the wise thing would surely to have built a small scale model just to be sure the thing was going to float.
but then i guess noah didn't have too many options otherwise.
You have yet to mention Noah's SMS (shit management system) that not only provided gas for cooking and lighting but also provided nutrients for his hydroponic orchard and vegetable garden
if so, how did it go over, good or bad?
Many years ago I gave a copy of COC to a well educated locally prominent Elder. It disturbed him: he said he didn't realize that the attitude and problems he experienced locally went so high in the Org I then gave him In Search of Christian Freedom When I asked what he thought of it He told me that he never read it that he didn't want to question his trust in the leadership GB. He chose to be ignorant
i wasn't sure whether to put this in scandals or beliefs and practices.
it could easily go in either.. this topic has been discussed plenty of times.
it seems to me that this is a much bigger problem in the jws than most people realize.
My wife liked playing dues and I enjoyed rising to the ocassion
Sorry L lee The serious point I'd like to make is that not all JW's considered it a duty like those dickheads in Crooklin
....i am so frikkin obsessed about the jw lies and my newfound truths about them, and it is prob driving me crazy or causing depression.....if i wake up in the middle of the night, i never get back to sleep as my mind starts racing about jw crap and how it affects my marriage, and then how can i make this marriage work with her such a hardcore dub....i told my wife i now realize i am an abusive husband.....i must stop talking to her about the real truth!!
! is killing her inside and we have had soooo many bad discussions that turn into arguments......on top of that she says she is now closer to jah and the org than at any other time in her life, that now that she has no positive direction from me, she relies totally on jehovah and prays to him more than ever..... we talked about separation, and that i was going to lose her over our religious differences........i feel so sorry for what i have put her through, and i know that if i can not really shut up with my ohsohelpful comments of truths about this truth she will leave me due to "spiritual endangerment".......and she said she is damm close to that happening.....i told her i knew it to and would so hate to lose her due to our religious differences.
at my recent shepherding call, they said to try and stop focusing on the negatives i have found in jw, and focus on the good things...and that is not a bad idea even if i never go back to meetings....there are good things about dubs....the efforts at ending racism and at least for me, some really good lifelong friends.......even their hope for the future was pretty good to me, even though it is a bunch of crap and i no longer believe the bible is gods word or does have some good suggestions for a happy life and ideas as to how to treat others........but so do just about every holy book of other faiths........ i had plans to start going to some meetings with my wife, but today, after a sleepless night i told her i just dont think i can do it, and just as she strongly believes it is the truth, i do not, and that i think the guys on the gb are not led by holy spirit cause if she will read the proclaimers book, she will see we have never gotten a single bible inerpretation of prophecy she says "so what is there?
Your being rational Oompa with a woman controlled by fear.
I lost my wife due to what the psykes call cognative disonanse. From her personal experience living with me she knew that I was not an evil man yet the WT said I was, no leeway: you leave them you leave Jehovah you are evil. No one can live with 2 such conflicting thoughts for very long. She needs to feel secure with you and not threatened.
Empathy: Say things like you understand how she feels tune into her feelings reassure her that you will not try to undermine her faith Find things to say like you admire her determination to stick with it: that she works so hard etc The time may come when she starts to question the WT herself then again it may not. If it does and she trusts you. When she brings up some issue where she thinks the WT is wrong tread very lightly Say something like. "Oh is that right I wondered about that myself then leave it". Don't think you have an opening to hit her with everything you know. Let her be the one to take these steps. Let her ask the questions.
I'll tell you a story about me the rational man. When my son was born I visited my wife in hospital and there were flowers everwhere everyone bought her flowers. So I thought she doesn't need anymore flowers so I never boughr any. Afterwards she would often bring it up and I would reply but you didn't need any flowers Untill one day 2 years later when she was visiting a sister in another city I sent her flowers through Interflora with a note saying something like Thanks darling for giving me a lovely son I heard later that she and her friend burst out crying and said what a wonderfull husband I was: She had got her flowers. Yeh I was rational and just plane stupid.
this question is for those who have attended another church since leaving the jw's.. i have considered attending a local church, firstly out of curiosity and secondly because i do enjoy discussing the bible with people and learning new thoughts on scripture.. the only thing that stops me though is crossing that line.
i guess it was a bit like when i first posted here, it took me ages to pluck up the courage and now what was the big deal?.
did anyone else have this feeling before attending another church, that feeling of crossing the line of no return.
While reading the experiences of those that posted here I noticed that they were for the most part positive and enjoyable unlike what we were led to expect by the WT.
I'd like to point out another WT lie The truth is not about doctrine. It's not a body of doctrine .Jesus said he was the truth. Peter did not say what religion' but whom shall we go away to, you Jesus, have sayings of eternal life. As christians say " its all about Jesus" On this point christian are united regardless of their doctrinal beliefs.
sure the wt deceived you with its claim to be god's channel but why for so many is there a subsequent loss of faith in god ?
it puzzles me and makes me wonder why they were jw's in the first place..
Thank you for all the interesting responses to my topic
there is a 2008 documentary out with investigative reporting done on 9/11.
apparently when asked why bin laden's name is not on the list of people charged with the incident - the response has been 'not enough evidence to link him to the attacks'.
couple this with susan lindauer and her information (that she got locked in prison for trying to reveal) and there are still too many questions that remain unaswered.
Not a wanted man
Years ago the fruitless hunt for Osama Bin Laden was the source of many jokes. I could not understnd why with all the resources available they could not find him Maybe the reason is he was not wanted in the first place. Makes sense
sure the wt deceived you with its claim to be god's channel but why for so many is there a subsequent loss of faith in god ?
it puzzles me and makes me wonder why they were jw's in the first place..
Love your work Gary For my part faith in God and faith in the WT were not one and the same.
PS Thanks for the offer re the oceanfront property in Arizona but No thanks I'm not a JW anymore.